Engineering Services

Once your goal is clear it’s all about getting it done. Delivering solutions is the core of our business and we have the best team of operational data and project delivery specialists in the country, supported by our technology partners, to ensure your goals are met.

PI System Services

Whether you need advice or a complete system build, we’re proud to offer you the largest and most accredited pool of PI System specialists in the country. Our commitment to OSIsoft’s accreditation program ensures our team is both up to date and following best practices; and simply put, there is no other firm in the country with our experience or skills.

Operational Data Management

Today data comes from more diverse sources and in greater volumes than ever before and offers unprecedented opportunity for business transformation.

Systems Integration

Your application infrastructure is an ecosystem of specialised software systems, on premises or in the cloud, owned or outsourced, each playing their role in supporting business functions.

Data Insight

Data is one of your biggest assets. It’s the raw material from which you can gather information and from that information gain insights that help you make decisions that create business benefit.

Operational Intelligence

Creating a rich well-organised data structure helps extract information from ‘raw’ data and inform decision making which can lead to business benefits. Taking a step further we can apply specialist technologies to create further insight and truly bring ‘intelligence’ to business operations.

It may be a long and complex journey to arrive at an ideal future state, let us show you the first step.

Andrew Todd

Chief Executive Officer at GTS Group