Exploring PI Vision 2020

Photo Credit: OSIsoft

A glance at the new features in PI Vision’s 2020 update

The recent release of PI Vision 2020 has brought a wide number of improvements to OSISoft’s flagship visualisation tool.

The new version contains over fifty bug fixes, covering performance issues, layout problems, errors in data access, and more, which results in a more polished experience for end users and administrators alike.

More importantly, PI Vision 2020 ships with a number of great new features that will enable your organisation to create, collaborate on, and publish more effective displays with ease. Some of the key features are:

PI Vision Calculations

Simple calculated values can be created on the fly without the need for PI System Administrators to configure new PI Points or AF Attributes – and these calculated values can be instantly integrated into your displays. 

Multiple Time Ranges on Trends

Trends are no longer restricted to sharing a single global time range. Users can now easily create single displays containing views of data for different time ranges. For example, it is now trivial to create a single dashboard comparing an asset’s performance today, this week, and this month. 

Display Usage Reports

Analyse the usage of your displays to determine where users are performing their analysis, to better direct effort for creating and maintaining displays. 

Improved Collaboration

Setting display security has now been vastly improved, enabling users to easily dictate who has read/write permission to a display. 

New Multi-State Capabilities

Symbols can be hidden, and text modified, in new multi-state configuration options. These new options improve a user’s ability to visually communicate key ideas based on the status of an asset.

New Configuration Options

A number of symbols have new configuration options allowing users to further enhance the presentation of dashboards and displays.

… and so much more!

View the PI Vision 2020 release notes to view a full list of changes. Upgrade your existing installation to version 2020 today!